I usually do not post about the happenings on the gossip sites, but this has caught the attention of a few people. The BET Awards was this past Tuesday Night. If I must say, the award show continues to improve as the years go on. TMZ decided to do their own version of a recap of the show. What's the uproar? TMZ described Beyonce as a "roboho", displaying a picture of her in a robot outfit. What TMZ failed to do is mention that the "roboho" lasted all but a mere 30 seconds, as she appeared from the robot wearing a non hoeish outfit. Some claim that TMZ was out of line, especially after what happen with Don Imus a few months ago. I do agree that TMZ did make a very bias recap of the award show, also saying rapper/actress Eve looked like a "streetwalker". I am not offended as much by what TMZ posted as I am by the racist comments left on the site. None of the comments have been deleted as they should have been. TMZ rarely mentions African Americans on their site, but rather have a daily posting on the happenings of Paris Hilton. Whether this was just a blatant racist review of a the BET Awards, or just the usually way TMZ reports things, I think that it is inappropriate to call any one a hoe especially those who do not deserve to be called one when you have other celebrity women showing their goodies to paps and having sex tapes pop up. That is classy.
P.S.- I guess no one should have been suprised as TMZ posted this as a pre-lude. I guess next they will be pushing for W.E.T. aka White Entertainment Television; even though W.E.T. is already shown of the majority of the channels I flip through ...
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